I have recently released a CD entitled, “Shango-La”. If you like the cool sounds of a steel drum, you’ll have to get this CD!! To place an order, see below. Check it out with Real Audio by clicking on the title.
- “Shango-La”
- “You Win”
- “Pangea”
- “Soca-Man”
- “Feast For The Sences”
- “Shirley You Jest”
- “Fun Time (You Got IT?)”
- “Aqua Pan”
- “Callaloo”
Lead Pan on “Fun Time”; Len “Boogsie” Sharp
Lead Pan on “Feast”; Winston “B” (My Mentor!!)
Lead Pan on “Callaloo”; Winston “B” (Island parts), Bart Bollen (Rock Parts)
Rhythm Pan on “Pangea”, “Soca-Man”, “Feast” and “Callaloo”; Cecil Francis
Drums and Percussion on “Pangea”, “Feast”, “Callaloo”; Winston “Wags” McDonald (Riddem Guru)
Keys and Drums on “You Win”, “Soca-Man” and “Shirley You Jest”; John “Da Mon” Palos
Vocals on “Shango-La”; Bart Bollen, Greg De Castro, and Mike Green
Drum Programming on “Fun Time”; Bryan Glasgow
Lead, Rhythm and Harmony Pans, Bass, Guitar, Percussion, Vocals, and Keys: Bart Bollen
Recorded by Bart Bollen
Mixed by Judd Levison and Bart Bollen
Cover Design by Steve Graham
I’d like to thank Panyard, Inc. for crafting my “extended range” tenor Steel Drum. Also, Brian Asher Studios, Mike Cravens, Patricia Scott, Lance and Kim, My Mom and Dad (Cliff and Shirley Bollen), the family and all the people that helped make this CD.
This CD is dedicated to my wife, Jane.